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FREE eBook:
The step-by-step guide to say goodbye to spreadsheets

Spreadsheet madness... It's something most of us have experienced at one point or another.

Stakeholder engagement professionals are saying goodbye to spreadsheets and hello to stakeholder relationship management (SRM) software. We  wrote this eBook to show you why they're switching and how you, too, can ditch spreadsheets.

In this eBook, we cover:

    • Why spreadsheets aren't just painful - they're problematic.
    • Qu'est-ce qu'un logiciel de gestion des relations avec les parties prenantes (SRM) ?
    • Pourquoi les professionnels de l'engagement des parties prenantes adoptent-ils les logiciels SRM ?
    • How to say goodbye to spreadsheets - step-by-step.
    • Common concerns about switching to software and tips to overcome them.

      Le guide pas à pas pour dire adieu aux feuilles de calcul

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